- U05, Floor: 2, Room: 2044
Every day (ask for an appointment by e-mail)
MS degree in Chemistry from University of Milano 110/110 e lode (with honours) (1989). Ph.D. in Chemistry University of Milano (with Prof. G. A. Pagani, 1993), NSF post-doctoral fellow at UC-Berkeley, CA (US) (with Prof. A. Streitwieser, 1994-95), NATO fellow at the Univ. Erlangen-Nuernberg, Erlangen, D (with Prof. P. v. R. Schelyer, 1995).
Faculty positionsAssistant Professor at University of Milano (1995) and University of Milano-Bicocca (1998), Associate Professor at University of Milano-Bicocca (2001), Full Professor at University of Milano-Bicocca (since 2010) in Organic Chemistry and Materials.
Main Present and Recent Duties2018-present: Head (Chairman) of the Department of Materials Science
2017-18: Deputy-President of the Performance Evaluation Group of the University of Milano-Bicocca (Nucleo di Valutazione; its main duty is, by national law, to monitor all teaching and research activities, students’ opinion, assess correct use of public funding, and check productivity of administrative and faculty staff)
2013-18: National Coordinator of the Interdivisional Group for Renewable Energy of the Italian Society of Chemistry (EnerCHEM)
2014-present: Member of board of consultants of Italian Ministery of Research for EU framework programme Horizon 2020, societal challenge “Energy”.
2014-present: Member of the Editorial Board of La Chimica e L’Industria, official magazine of the Italian Chemical Society.
2013-present: Member of the International Advisory Board of EurJOC (Wiley)
2010-present: Member of the scientific committee of the Fondazione Tronchetti Provera (Pirelli).
2012-17: Dean of the education programs in Chemistry of the University of Milano-Bicocca.
2013-17: Director of the Solar Energy Research Center MIB-SOLAR of the University of Milano-Bicocca
2015-17: Deputy-Chairman of the Department of Materials Science, University of Milano Bicocca
Other. Application reviewer for MIUR-Italian Ministry of University and Research, University of Milano, University of Padova, NSF, INSTM-Italian University Consortium on Materials Science and Technology; peer-reviewer for many international scientific journals (ACS, RSC, Wiley, Elsevier).
Recent research activity focusses on material and devices for advanced technological applications in the field of solar energy, in particular production of solar fuels and chemical intermediates from abundant, clean and renewable sources in artificial photosynthesis processes (water photolysis, reduction of carbon dioxide, reduction of nitrogen by sunlight); it also deals with latest generation photovoltaic devices with focus on highly ecofriendly chemical components.
He participates or has participated as PI or local coordinator in national or international EU - MUR - Lombardy Region - Cariplo Foundation projects as well as scientific manager of research contracts with industries in the energy field.
Since April 2020 he has been national coordinator of the technical working group of the Italian Chemical Society on hand and surface sanitizers for COVID-19 emergency.
Bibliometric records (June 2020):
- Publications: 155 (including 1 book; 4 book chapters; 11 international and 9 national patents)
- Total citations: 3918 (Scopus), 4338 (Google Scholar)
- h-index: 35 (Scopus), 38 (Google Scholar)
2016: CINMPIS award for Innovation in Organic Synthesis
1990: DOW Prize for best student in Chemistry of the Univ. Milano
Salerno, G., Franchi, D., Dessì, A., Bartolini, M., Manfredi, N., Abbotto, A., et al. (2025). Optimizing DSSCs Performance for Indoor Lighting: Matching Organic Dyes Absorption and Indoor Lamps Emission Profiles to Maximize Efficiency. CHEMISTRYOPEN [10.1002/open.202400464]. Detail
Abbotto, A. (2024). Perchè l'auto elettrica? Guida pratica. Scienza Express. Detail
Boldrini, C., Quivelli, A., Perna, F., Biagini, P., Capriati, V., Abbotto, A., et al. (2024). Top-ranked efficiency under indoor light of DSSCs enabled by iodide-based DES-like solvent electrolyte. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS, 2024(8), 504-515 [10.1039/D3SE00949A]. Detail
Salerno, G., Bettucci, O., Manfredi, N., Stendardo, L., Veronese, E., Metrangolo, P., et al. (2024). Tailored Metal‐Porphyrin Based Molecular Electrocatalysts for Enhanced Artificial Nitrogen Fixation to Green Ammonia. GLOBAL CHALLENGES, 8(7) [10.1002/gch2.202300345]. Detail
Bettucci, O., Salerno, G., Manfredi, N., Abbotto, A. (2024). Molecular electro- and photocatalytic approach to artificial nitrogen fixation for the synthesis of green ammonia. TETRAHEDRON GREEN CHEM, 3(June 2024) [10.1016/j.tgchem.2024.100040]. Detail
Research projects
- Chemistry Europe Fellow, Chemistry Europe, 2024
- PREMIO ANASSILAOS Arte Cultura Economia Scienze Filosofia e Storia, Associazione culturale Anassilaos, 2024
- Premio CINMPIS per l' "Innovazione nella sintesi organica", Consorzio CINMPIS, 2016
Scientific fellowships
- Responsabile Scientifico - Gruppo Interdivisionale Enerchem-Società Chimica Italiana, 2013
- Socio effettivo o corrispondente - Società Chimica Italiana, 1995
Editorial boards
- Altro tipo di attività editoriale - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2013 - 2023
- Membro del Comitato Editoriale - LA CHIMICA E L'INDUSTRIA, 2013 - 2021
- Program chair - XXVIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana(Italia), 2024