Full Professor  
Academic disciplines
Experimental Physics of Matter and Applications (PHYS-03/A)
Scientific-Disciplinary Group:
Office phone
  • U05, Floor: 1, Room: 1096


1989: Laurea degree in Physics at University of Pavia

1994: PhD in Physics at University of Pavia

1995: Specializzazione in Materials science and technology at University of Pavia

1996-1998: Assistant professor of General Physics at University of Milano

1998-2001: Assistant professor of General Physics (later Experimental Physics) at University of Bicocca

2001-today: Associate Professor of Experimental Physics at University of Milano Bicocca


Adele Sassella devoted her research activity to eperimental solid state physics. During the first years, she studied impurities and defects in silicon and silicon related materials by optical pectroscopy techniques, in the infrared and UV-visible spectral ranges. More recently, her main research subject involves organic molecular semiconductors, in particular organic molecular beam epitaxy (OMBE) used to deposit thin films on different substrates, then studying their optical and transport properties, as well as their morphology and structure. The materials of interest include oligothiophenes, porphyrins, acridines, oligocenes. A relevant part of the research activity is now devoted to the growth and study of organic heterostructures, made of multilayers of different molecules, grown in view of obtaining high crystallinity by means of organic epotaxy. Research on these subects is funded by national projects on advanced materials for photovoltaic applications.

Since 1990 Adele Sassella published over 200 scientific papers in international journals and attended several national and international conferences, presenting her work as posters, oral presentations and invited talks. She is participating and/or responsible for some national research projects (INFM, MIUR, Fondazione Cariplo) and she contributed to Organizing committees of different conferences and schools. She is referee of several scientific journals, such as Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review, European Physical Journal. She collaboratrs with several groups in Italy and abroad.


  • Petroni, S., Orsini, S., Bugnotti, D., Callone, E., Dirè, S., Zoia, L., et al. (2025). Photocrosslinkable starch cinnamyl ethers as bioinspired bio-based polymers. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. B, 13(3), 943-954 [10.1039/d4tb01406e]. Detail

  • Galli, A., Sassella, A., Raimondo, L., Orsilli, J., Caglio, S., Luisa Saladino, M., et al. (2024). Multi analytical approach for in situ non- invasive analyses on orichalcum ingots from Mediterranean Sea. Intervento presentato a: Dat@MI. It's all a matter fo time - Convegno Tematico AIAr 2024, Milano, Italy. Detail

  • Ferrari, A., Caielli, T., Stucchi, D., Caprì, A., Gatto, I., Baglio, V., et al. (2024). Poly(biphenyl-co-trifluoroacetophenone piperidinium) AEM random and block copolymer. Intervento presentato a: EMEA2024-Workshop on Ion exchange membranes for enegy application, Bad Zwischenahn, Germany. Detail

  • Cargioli, A., Lednev, M., Lavista, L., Camposeo, A., Sassella, A., Pisignano, D., et al. (2024). Active control of polariton-enabled long-range energy transfer. NANOPHOTONICS, 13(14), 2541-2551 [10.1515/nanoph-2023-0677]. Detail

  • Trabattoni, S., Raimondo, L., Minotto, A., Monguzzi, A., Meinardi, F., Sassella, A. (2024). Tailoring the optical properties of rubrene films through epitaxy-induced amorphous-to-crystal transition. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. C, 12(30), 11615-11623 [10.1039/d4tc01618a]. Detail

Research projects

Light convErsion in hybrid orGanic/2D dichalcOgenides heterostructureS (LEGOS)
Year: 2024
Call: FAQC 2024 - prima finestra
Grantors: Università degli Studi di MILANO-BICOCCA
PNRR per la Missione 4, componente 2 Investimento 1.1- Avviso 104/2022 | Singlet exCItoN fission in crysTallIne moLecuLAr thin films for enhanced silicon photovoltaics (SCINTILLA)
Year: 2022
Call: Bando PRIN 2022
La sapienza è figliola della sperienzia - La fisica degli sperimentali da Pavia a Milano-Bicocca
Year: 2015
Call: 2015-032 - Bando per la diffusione della cultura scientifica 2015
New materials and structuries for organic photovoltaic cells with improved efficiency and stability
Year: 2009
Call: Bando Materiali Avanzati



  • Premio Società Italiana di Fisica, Società Italiana di Fisica, 1992
  • Young Scientist Award, European Materials Research Society, 1992


  • Program committee - 50th Meeting of the Italian Crystallographic Association(Italia), 2023
  • Program committee - International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy(Italia), 2023