Arabic language: origins and new horizons

23 May 2024
International Study Day of the "Riccardo Massa" Department of Human Sciences for Education

Thursday 23 May 
09:00 | 16:30 
Aula Massa 
Building U6 Agora IV Floor 
Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milan

The International Study Day "Arabic Language: Origins and New Horizons" is being held as part of the BA degree course in Intercultural Communication at the "Riccardo Massa" Department of Human Sciences for Education, under the patronage of the Embassy of Iraq to the Holy See and the Center for Hamito-Semitic Studies of Milan. The event is dedicated to the Arabic language, its origins, its evolution, and its future perspectives. The aim is to explore the characteristics of the language, from both the diachronic and diglossic points of view, and to consider possible future scenarios. The International Study Day, which will take place exclusively in-presence, will be attended by Italian and foreign Arabic scholars.

Coordinator: Dr. Ali Faraj