Clinical Echocardiography

Clinical Ecocardiography
20 October 2023 -
October 2024
€ 6.500

Presentation of the course

Worldwide, echocardiography is the most widely used diagnostic imaging technique for the guidance and treatment of congenital and acquired heart disease. However, its teaching in specialty schools is superficial and does not allow for a professional use of the method or for having such a theoretical preparation as to allow the acquisition of national and international certifications of competence. Furthermore, particularly in the Anglo-Saxon and Middle Eastern world, the exams are performed by technical personnel (echocardiography technicians or graphers) who require specific theoretical and practical training in order to obtain national qualification for the profession.

Obtaining the master's degree provides doctors with a preferential qualification for employment in echocardiography laboratories and for applying for their direction. For cardiologists in the Middle East, the acquisition of a degree related to their profession at a recognized foreign university is supported by significant economic incentives. For non-medical personnel, obtaining a diploma is the only way to enter the profession.

Admission and enrolment

Read the call for admission


Application for admission by 08/09/2023

Selection is on 19th September 2023


Admission Ranking will be available from 29/09/2023

Registration for admission by 08/09/2023


Telematic enrollment application


Luigi Badano

Scientific Committee

Denisa Muraro

Sergio Caravita

Gianfranco Parati


email for information: [email protected]