2023-2027 Departments of Excellence: 11 out of 14 at Milano-Bicocca are competing

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

The University of Milano-Bicocca is present with 11 departments out of a total of 14 in the ranking of the 350 best departments in Italy eligible to compete for the selection of the ‘2023-2027 Departments of Excellence’ that the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR) published a few days ago.

The selected departments are competing for the second stage, in which the 180 recipients of the ‘departments of excellence’ funding will be identified.    

They are as follows: Biotechnology and Biosciences; Economics, Quantitative Methods and Business Strategies; ‘Giuseppe Occhialini’ Physics; Law; Informatics, Systematics and Communication; Mathematics and Applications; Medicine and Surgery; Psychology; Environmental and Earth Sciences; ‘Riccardo Massa’ Humanities for Education; Sociology and Social Research.

The ranking was prepared by ANVUR based on the Standardised Departmental Performance Indicator (ISPD), calculated using the results of the 2015-2019 Research Quality Assessment (VQR). A seven-member commission appointed by the MUR will evaluate the applications submitted by universities for the selection of 180 Departments of Excellence for the 2023-2027 period. The list of departments awarded funding will be announced by 31 December 2022.

“Being listed in the MUR rankings with eleven placings is an important recognition of the quality of our scientific production,” remarked Rector Giovanna Iannantuoni. “The eleven eligible departments cover all the University’s academic disciplines, confirming that multidisciplinarity is one of the strengths of Milano-Bicocca.”