Sport Law and Labour Relations in Sports

Economico-Statistica Giuridica
Sport Law and Labour Relations in Sports
29 April 2022 -
31 May 2023
€ 4.500

Presentation of the course

The organization of the Master aims to provide students with a set of legal and technical skills to operate in the fields of professional and amateur sport as experts in the field of sports law, with a specific and more in-depth preparation in the branch of law of sports work.
The Master not only analyzes all the main issues related to contractual relationships in the field of sport, but reserves a large part of the training course to the theme of the employment relationship in sport, in order to fully understand the problems that are today the subject of particular attention by sector operators for a reorganization of the regulatory system in the field of sport. These analyzes will be associated with the examination and study of the elements of internationality in the sport business sector, as well as the European legislation applied and applicable to it.


Tiziana Vettor

Scientific Committee


Tiziana Vettor


Oliviero  Mazza

Andrea Rossetti

Alessandro Izar

Bruno Inzitari 

Cristiano Novazio 



Tel. 3933377886

E-mail [email protected]