Summer School "Preparedness, Health and the Environment"

Tuesday 22 March 2022
Enrolment deadline 8 April 2022
Summer School "Preparedness, Health and the Environment"

Preparedness is a key notion for international policy-making in the field of disasters management. The aim of the Summer School is to provide tools to deepen the theoretical dimensions of the concept and to operationalise it, focusing on two key fields: health services and agriculture.
25 participants are expected among brilliant graduate and undergraduate MA students, PhD Students and Postdoctoral Researchers in social sciences, epidemiology, geography, agricultural sciences, ecological and environmental sciences.
The school will take place in the beautiful context of Villa Grumell (Como) from the 23rd to the 27th of May, 2022.
The program - based on a mix of lectures and discussions - features key international scholars: Andrew Lakoff, Frédérick Keck, Benedetto Saraceno, Laura Centemeri, Luigi Pellizzoni, Fabrizio Bianchi.


a cura di Redazione Centrale, ultimo aggiornamento il 18/04/2022