IN2SIGHT European Project - First Kick Off

Monday 01 March 2021

IN2SIGHT European Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme has just started with its Kick off. Meeting that took place on 1st March hosted virtually by UNIMIB.

IN2SIGHT is coordinated by our University through:
- Department of Physics “Giuseppe Occhialini”, Biophotonics lab – prof. Giuseppe Chirico

-Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences , Immunology lab– prof. Francesca Granucci

To develop IN2SIGHT in the following 48 months a multidisciplinary team has been identified composed of 7 partners from 5 different countries. Beside UNIMIB they are:


As the project progresses, the partners will continue to meet six monthly to enhance the communication of consortium and work collaboratively to achieve the overall aims and objectives of the project and create contacts with the institutional stakeholders.

IN2SIGHT delivers a radical new solution in the current limitation in the validation protocols of biomaterials with an in vivo bioengineered chip as a smart intravital multiphoton imaging window for new validation protocols of biomaterials. In the following months the development of the project will start – all the news, publications and outputs of the project will be available in the official project webpage at

a cura di Redazione Centrale, ultimo aggiornamento il 01/03/2021